Friday, December 3, 2010



-          The number one seller for any production is word of mouth from those that have seen the show.  With that in mind it is critical to pack in your audiences on opening weekend.  (Avoid invited dress rehearsals as it reduces the number of patrons at the opening.)  The entire opening weekend should be as full as possible.  If you are giving away incentives or comps it is important to concentrate them on the opening weekend.  Shows get “bounce” from the word of mouth.  Always make sure you have the names, addresses and email addresses of anyone attending your production including comp tickets.  You want to capture that information to offer them other shows in the future.

-          Try to set up a preview article in the Arizona Republic talking about the show.  PR pitches to newspapers in general are advantageous. Stories get picked up and it is free advertising.  It is best to use a qualified PR person in theatre who knows the papers and has a press release list they can distribute information out to those in the media. 

-          Get in all the newspaper and local magazine entertainment calendar listings.  Again, a qualified theatrical PR person knows all of those listings and can do this for you. 

-          -Contact Alliance for Audience – the non-profit service organization whose job is to raise the visibility of Arizona’s entire arts & cultural community.  Their main project is, Arizona’s comprehensive calendar of theatre, music, dance, art, festivals & cultural attractions.  To post your event listing, send info to also offers a Ticket Marketplace where you can sell last-minute discount tickets as well as take advantage of promotional opportunities on TV, social media and to their e-mail database.

-          Build an email list and prep an E-Blast to go out to your personal mailing list inviting friends, family, colleagues, co-workers, employees, friends of cast members, other actors, previous purchasers in the database etc to the show.  Inside the email you can include the link to buy tickets.  This list must be created by the organization.  ***You can’t buy email addresses or email to another organizations email list.  People don’t read email from sources unknown to them.  Frequently, they either opt out of getting all future email from that source or click delete without even reading the offer***  Create your own list.

-          Direct Mail Postcard. Postcards are inexpensive to produce and cheap to mail through a mail house.  You can also purchase a specific list of names to mail to.  There are many sources to purchase lists.  You can also trade lists with other theatre companies for direct mail whereas you can’t for email.  This expands the number of individuals that you can get directly in front of.

-          Schedule the reviewers to attend your show.  They won’t just come.  You have to call them all and get them scheduled to a performance.  In addition, you should have a media package prepared for them at the box office for when they arrive.  Reviewers are the Arizona Republic, KEZ Radio, KBAQ Radio, New Times, Midtown Messenger, ECHO Magazine to name a few.  A theatrical PR person can point you towards all of the reviewers.

-          Depending on your budget you can run adds in the News Paper, on the Radio, and on TV.  Newspapers are the Arizona Republic, Tribune, Midtown Messenger, New Times, Echo Magazine to name a few.  Radio Stations are KEZ, KJZZ, KTAR, KBAQ.  You can run a banner ad on the AZ Central website online with a link to your website or to buy tickets as well

-          You will want to have your own website set up.  Phoenix Theatre offers you a back end online ticketing option to your organizations website.  We don’t market your shows from our site as it leads to brand confusion.   Phoenix Theatre produces 12-16 productions annually in four venues as well as fundraising events all of which are listed on our website.  We host nine resident companies in three venues producing 27-35 shows annually.  If we listed all of these shows on our website your production would be lost in a sea of show listings.  By directing potential patrons to your organizations website allows you to control the content and the sales pitch.  If you need to set up a website you can do so for free in about 15 minutes by going to (Phoenix Theatre can list your companies name on our website to link patrons to your company.  There is a fee our website company charges us to add links that will be passed on to you.) 

-          Insert program stuffers in other theatre’s playbills and offer to do the same for them.  You should do this with multiple theatre companies and start a few months out from your opening.

-          Drop flyers at local establishments like restaurants, coffee shops, check out counters at retail stores etc.

-          Reach out to senior centers and school groups with discounted tickets if they buy 10 or more seats.  You should start to do this six months out as schools and senior centers book activities well in advance and have to arrange for transportation.

-          Make Opening Night special.  Include festivities, pre and/or post show receptions, wine, cheese ect.  You can have an opening night party at a nearby establishment or a meet and greet with the actors after the show.

-          Lastly it is important to note the importance of audience retention.  This includes but is not limited to things like sending patrons notes thanking them for coming and inviting them back to see other shows, perhaps with a special offer.  Asking audience members to come back is critical.  

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